Fairhaven Home for Men

Fair Haven Home for Men is a faith-based, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that has been working to rescue the lives of men bound by addiction since 2010.  

Responsive Nonprofit Site

Fairhaven Home for Men is a nonprofit site with needs for donation links/pages, online application forms and multiple contact forms. This was a site redesign on the client’s current platform, with some graphic design work and content writing needed as well.

Services Needed


Content writing, graphics and stock photos.

Interactive Design

An interactive map showing progress on their new building.


Responsive & user-friendly design.

Application Forms

Easy online applications for those seeking help.


Donation links and a payment form needed for online giving.

Backend Data

The ability to track responses & website actions visually.

Let’s Work Together

How can Rue Design Co. help your business/organization look good, communicate effectively and convey success? We would love to hear about your passion and where you are going with it. Drop us a few lines and we will review your project details and provide a quote in 2-4 business days.*

*Quote may take longer if clear details are not provided for your project and a followup request is needed.